해발고도 8300피트에 위치한 에콰도르의 Mariscal La Mar 공항에 위치한 지역 소방대에서 항공 지원용으로 CTLS를 구입하여 운용중입니다.
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"왜 CTLS를 선택했는가?"라는 질문에 소방대장인 Hubo Cobo씨는 실험항공기,LSA,제너럴 등 여러 항공기 제작사들을 놓고 자료를 수집하여 분석을 해 보았지만, CTLS가 안전한 운항과 소방대에서 요구하는 성능(적은 구입비용과 유지비용)을 만족하는 유일한 항공기였다고 합니다.
Bomberos de Cuenca, ECUADOR / 28 December 2010 — A fire fighting department located at 8,300 feet above sea level in the Ecuadorian Andes has acquired a Flight Design Light-Sport Aircraft as its aerial support unit. With support from John Hurst and Jeremy Endsley of Sebring Aviation, the Basin Fire Department began operations at the Mariscal La Mar airport. Hurst and Endsley, representing the Southeastern USA distribution of the best-selling brand, traveled to Ecuador to train fire department employees in assembly, maintenance, and flight training of the CTLS. The group operating the LSA is called the Air Volunteer Fire Department of Basin.
“Using the CTLS in this way, our Fire Department has an effective tool to help in search functions, recognition and support of ground operations by providing a better service to the community of Cuencana,” – fire Department leader, Hugo Cobo said. Cobo responded to addition questions below:
FLIGHT DESIGN: Why did you select the Flight Design CTLS?
HUGO COBO: “The decision to buy the CTLS was made after studying different information of other aircraft manufacturers including experimental, LSA and other general aviation. The CTLS was the only aircraft that meets the safety operation and performance requirements for the Fire Department. Besides the low cost acquisition and operation made the CTLS our choice for search and ground support operations.”